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On June 24, Intersex Initiative will host a screening of "Mani's Story," the award-winning documentary film from New Zealand that traces the life of intersex activist Mani Bruce Mitchell. You will meet Mani and other intersex activists/stars from the earlier film, "Hermaphrodites Speak!" (1996) and how the intersex movement has impacted the lives of those activists who paved the way. The film received Qantas Media Award for the best TV documentary in 2003.
The New Zealand Herald stated: "The documentary's strength comes from the fact that it is nearly all told in Mani's own words. Strong and articulate, she traces the momentous changes in her life which led to self-acceptance and lack of fear in drawing attention to her ambiguous appearance... [It] is a courageous and unsentimental account of a person who has confronted and overcome extraordinary pressures and exclusion." Also featured in the film are American intersex activists Angela Moreno and David Vandertie.
Mani herself says about the film: "I was asked to make this documentary after a TV researcher learned of my proposed trip to America to attend the annual GLBT Creating Change Conference in Milwaukee 2001... I agreed to do this as a queer identified intersex person who believes with passion about creating change. Creating a world where it will be safe, a world that respects and enjoys ALL who are different. I thought the documentary would be an easy process... It was not. It became probably the most challenging, powerful, unusual and creative task I have ever done outside of a therapeutic setting."
The screening is held at 6:30pm at the public meeting room of the North Portland Branch of Multnomah County Library (512 N Killingsworth) and is free and open to all.
Posted by Emi on Jun 22, 2004